Yeah I know that’s kind of a bold statement, as I really don’t know you or your business. But…I bet it’s true nonetheless. Your marketing is dismal…and standing on a street corner shouting at people is probably your best bet.
Now you might be thinking, “who does that?” Well there was a time when the very essence of marketing was just that…standing on a corner shouting at people. Newsies (or newspaper boys) would stand on the corner shouting at passersby giving them the highlights of that days newsprint.
For some of you reading this right now you might be wondering what the heck is a newspaper, well, I would encourage you to pull out your phones and search “what is a newspaper” on the internet. Okay moving on.
Let’s fast forward to this decade and talk about all the ways you are not marketing, shall we. Then you will see why shouting on the corner is a better choice.
Shouting on the corner versus what you are not doing.
- You’re probably not collecting emails from clients or prospective clients and heaven forbid you are not sending out a weekly email newsletter to keep them informed.
- You aren’t posting to social media frequently. Pfft, once or twice a month isn’t cutting it and will never get you noticed.
- You aren’t making videos answering all the frequently asked questions that people seem to repeat all the time. Nope, and then you complain that you still have to answer all those same questions over and over again.
- You aren’t creating blog articles to inform your audience what’s new, or exciting, or just relevant to your industry. Nah, that’s too time consuming you argue…and yet, it’s a powerful way to educate the reader.
- You or your staff (or web person) is not updating your website periodically. 2010 called they want their static, non-mobile friendly website back. Your website needs to be updated with information on a consistent basis otherwise even the search engines will neglect to show it on the results page.
- You aren’t running a pay per click ad campaign. Heck, even a small budget of $10 a day can make a huge impact on the traffic coming to your website.
- You decline invitations to be a guest on podcasts thinking that’s below you. OMG. I’ve had guests on my podcasts that make 10x, maybe even 100x times more than I do and yet, they said YES and appreciated the time spent sharing their knowledge. Get your head out of your ____.
- You procrastinate on writing that book you always wanted to write. Hey, I was like that once too. But then I started… and 30+ books later and here I am being asked to help others do what I do best. You have to start sometime…might as well be now.
- You don’t send handwritten notes, thank you cards or reminders to your clients because you think it’s old school. It is, but do it anyway. People love getting cards in the mail. And because few do it, your note will be memorable.
- And you probably don’t use the phone to call people. Yeah, that very thing that’s in your pocket that keeps you connected to the world and it’s only being used to text people and take pictures of what you are eating.
Now if you don’t like the idea of standing on the corner shouting at people here’s what I suggest you do…
- Start collecting emails. Create a list of awesome people that you can send your message to on a weekly basis that in turn share that message with their friends.
- Post to social media more frequently. Utilize a scheduler if you have to, but make sure you are consistently posting.
- Start making videos. Yes, answer all those frequently asked questions. Each question is a new video. Keep it short. Heck spend a weekend filming 52 short videos and now you have a video a week for a year.
- Create blog articles. If you don’t know what to write about, why not transcribe those frequently asked videos you just made and use the transcription for your blog article.
- Update your website. Add new content. Remember to optimize it properly so it gets ranked by the search engines.
- Try a pay per click ad campaign. Right now Google is giving away some awesome ad credits to get businesses started advertising on their platform. Even a few bucks a day towards ad spend could make a huge impact on sales growth.
- Make it a priority to be a guest on various podcasts. Believe me, it’s worth the time spent. And, the more you do it, the more your popularity, authority, and credibility will grow.
- Write a book…it doesn’t have be a novel. Heck, if all you can think of right now is only enough to fill 50 pages that’s okay. That’s your book. Get it out there.
- Yes, go “old school” and send out reminders, thank you cards and notes to clients letting them know you appreciate them. You’d be surprised at how well it differentiates you and keeps you remembered.
- And darn it…use the phone the way it was meant to be used. Talk to people. Listen to them. Understand their inflections, their tonality and experience their personality in real time.
Sadly though, you will probably look at the list of suggestions and say, “yes, I have to do all those things”, and yet, you won’t do any of it. Oh, but the excuses…you’ll have tons of them. Everything justified. Yup, heard it all before. Then you’ll complain that you have no customers.
Well…you can always go back to standing on the corner.
Rob is affectionately known as “Mr. Sarcasm” to his friends - to everyone else he’s a Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, a Foremost Expert On Specialized SEO, a Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Speaker and Authority Broadcaster who can help amplify YOU to your audience.
Rob has authored, coauthored or produced over 40 books covering social media, search engine optimization, podcasting, copywriting, personal injury law, weight loss, military law, life lessons, scams, sarcasm, customer service and more. His book clients include lawyers, speakers, doctors, real estate professionals and more.
Rob is also host of The E-Heroes Interview Series available on Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify & many other podcast channels. Rob works inside corporations across the globe, helping companies generate new revenue and capture online business.
Rob is also available to share talks and give interviews. To learn more and to get started visit or call Anspach Media at (412)267-7224 today.
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