Hey Mr Banker I have 100,000 views on my video can I get a loan for a new car?
Banker: hahahahaha
That’s right…views, likes, shares, comments won’t get you a loan and will probably get you laughed at right out of the bank.
All those things (those likes, comments, shares and views) are simply vanity metrics that really don’t mean anything.
Those metrics are designed to show you how your video (or post) is performing and how many people are watching or engaging. They are feel good numbers. Yup, those metrics give you the “warm and fuzzies” and give you a false sense that your video or post is doing well.
The only thing that matters is the sale. If just one person picks up the phone and says “I want to hire you, here’s my money” then your video is doing what it’s supposed to – and that’s converting.
TikTok has become the new “eyes on me” social platform where entrepreneurs are posting videos and then going bonkers when those videos hit 100k views overnight. Yup, and these same entrepreneurs are receiving zero sales.
Zip. Zilch. Nada. None.
Oh but look at the video views skyrocket…yup, there it goes…up, up and away. Makes you feel all giddy. Makes you think you are superman. Well, come on down out of the clouds and listen to what I’m telling you. If those views aren’t making you money then it doesn’t really matter.
Focus on making videos that generate you income so that when you go to the bank, you are the one laughing.
Rob is affectionately known as “Mr. Sarcasm” to his friends - to everyone else he’s a Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, a Foremost Expert On Specialized SEO, a Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Speaker and Authority Broadcaster who can help amplify YOU to your audience.
Rob has authored, coauthored or produced over 40 books covering social media, search engine optimization, podcasting, copywriting, personal injury law, weight loss, military law, life lessons, scams, sarcasm, customer service and more. His book clients include lawyers, speakers, doctors, real estate professionals and more.
Rob is also host of The E-Heroes Interview Series available on Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify & many other podcast channels. Rob works inside corporations across the globe, helping companies generate new revenue and capture online business.
Rob is also available to share talks and give interviews. To learn more and to get started visit www.AnspachMedia.com or call Anspach Media at (412)267-7224 today.
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