Social Outing

Social Outing

Have You Been Outed? “Sadly, I have had no choice but to unfriend XXX, some of you know him/her, who (then the person posting shares their reason). And when people lose respect for you then you have to let them go.” Not only have I’ve seen this done to a dozen friends...
Why Did You Unfriend Me?

Why Did You Unfriend Me?

Yo, Rob why did you unfriend me? {message I received through FB chat} Me: Why does it matter? Them: Well, we have been Facebook friends for years. Me: And in all that time this is the first chat message you sent me. Them: What’s thats supposed to mean? Me: If...
Unfriend Me Now

Unfriend Me Now

“If you like (insert name) then unfriend me now, as we can’t be friends.” You ever see people post stupid shit like that. As if the mere mention of that threat will convince you in some mystical way to change your view point. As if the person reading...
How Come You Unfriended Me

How Come You Unfriended Me

After reading one too many negative posts about how the President is handing a certain issue, I had to speak up. So this is what I posted to my Facebook page: The Prez signed the bill like an hour ago and people are complaining that it’s not enough, or why...
I Was Unfriended, Now What?

I Was Unfriended, Now What?

Message received in my Facebook chat box… “Rob do you know why I unfriended you?” Me: “I didn’t even realize we were friends, but since we aren’t now, thanks for freeing up my friends list. Have a nice day.” Them:...