You Should Lead With That

You Should Lead With That

Hey Rob are you going to the huge XYZ event in California? {was the question that popped up on my Facebook messenger from someone who bought a few of my books years ago but I haven’t really communicated with since} Me: How many people will be there? Them: I...
Blog Tip: What To Write About

Blog Tip: What To Write About

The biggest frustration most bloggers have… …is not knowing what to write about. And because they allow that frustration to linger they stop blogging.  So I want to share with you a tip that has allowed me to not only create content fast but have a...
Facebook: Is It Worth Staying?

Facebook: Is It Worth Staying?

Should I Stay Or Should I Delete My Facebook? Over the last month it’s been revealed that millions of users Facebook data has been misused by 3rd parties for political and social experiments. Now Facebook is under fire. And entrepreneurs are asking lots of...