by Rob Anspach | May 7, 2021 | Warning |
Ronnie Johnson is calling to offer me a FREE medical alert mobile system valued at $400 {actually it’s a voice automated system using computer AI to guide it along} Me: Hello Ronnie: I need to ask you a set of questions to see if you qualify? Me: Ask away...
by Rob Anspach | Nov 10, 2020 | Social Media |
Going to the doctors used to be a private ordeal. You told maybe one other person where you were going and what procedure you were getting. And those same people wanted their privacy secured so much so that they banded together to protect their privacy and...
by Rob Anspach | Jun 12, 2020 | Discipline |
Sir thank you for calling here’s your case number if you need to call back, just reference that number and the person taking your call will be up to speed. Then you call back, give them the reference number and then spend the next 1/2 hour explaining everything...
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