Did You Press 1

Did You Press 1

Thanks to the HiYa app I know exactly when Credit Card Services is calling to scam me. {Hehe I answer anyway} Me: Hey Caller: I see you pressed one to get the lower interest Me: Nah, I pressed 5 to order a cappuccino Caller: Sir, we are here to save you thousands on...
Wasting Telemarketer’s Time

Wasting Telemarketer’s Time

“Hello is Anne there” Me: what? I think you have the wrong number. Caller: oh, okay well maybe you can help me then. Me: doubt it Caller: we are calling on behalf of the disabled veterans Me: which ones? Caller: Our national center is out of Colorado. Me:...
Did You Press 1

Protecting You From Scam Calls

Have You Received Annoying Scam, Fraud, Spam, Spoofed, or Robo Calls? I know I have. It was getting to the point that the majority of calls I was getting were junk. So I decided to do something about it. I downloaded an app for my mobile phone. And, for the last 30...