by Rob Anspach | Aug 1, 2020 | Social Media |
I was asked to critique a Facebook page with over 1 million followers. They wondered how they could improve engagement. After about 3 minutes looking at a few posts I replied…get rid of all the fake followers. They then asked me how I knew they had fake...
by Rob Anspach | Apr 6, 2020 | Social Media |
For years I’ve been telling people not to buy fake fans (likes). And people would ask me how I knew a page had bought friends and I would always answer by the lack of engagement they are getting in ratio to the fans they have. Well now there is a tool to see...
by Rob Anspach | Jan 20, 2020 | Discipline, Social Media |
Hahaha… Unfriended someone yesterday on Facebook for being an asshole and within 25 minutes I get a friend request from that person and a note wondering why we aren’t friends. I say, “wow, that’s weird.” They respond, “that we...
by Rob Anspach | Sep 18, 2017 | Discipline, Trust Creation |
Trust with your tribe begins with your image. It’s your brand and it allows your fans, friends and followers to not only know what you look like, but get comfortable with you. If you want your business to grow, use your image! I see it all the time, the...
by Rob Anspach | Mar 15, 2015 | Social Media, Trust Creation |
You might start seeing or have seen your Fan Page likes go down a little, maybe even a lot. One of my clients just experienced a drop of 700 followers. Ouch! Don’t worry…it’s all good! What? You see Facebook is cleaning up deactivated accounts and...
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