Yes, this was an actual call…and yes, it happened to me!

Caller: We saw your profile on LinkedIn and would like to interest you in a unique opportunity. Blah, Blah, Blah!

Me: Does this opportunity have anything to do with social media, SEO, content creation or trust building?

Caller: Well sir, did you see (some unpronounceable name)’s profile?

Me: Yes and I wasn’t impressed

Caller: Well can I send you an email that spells out all the details

Me: Not unless you need social media, SEO, content creation or trust building services.

Caller: Sir, this an opportunity to partner with us to grow an empire.

Me: Whatever, take me off your list

Caller: Sir, the opportunity is real.

Me: Yeah, okay…give it to someone else.

Caller: But Sir, I don’t want you to pass this opportunity over

Me: I’m hanging up, remove my number and never call back.

(I hung up)
—— (they called back)

Caller: I think we were disconnected.

Me: No, I hung up on you…just like I am going to do again. (hung up again)

—— (they emailed me anyway)—–

Delete, block!

I can’t stand these Vultures.

As a Global Social Media Strategist, SEO Expert, Author, Ghostwriter, Storyteller, Speaker & Trust Creator my job is help my clients build trust with their fans, friends and followers. I’m NOT into MLM, selling magical lotions, rainbow tonics, quick rich schemes or crap that doesn’t in any way, shape or form convey trust.

If you need a strategist that looks at the big picture and helps you share your story to build a positive bonding experience with you audience I invite you to visit my website at 

Now, if you have no desire to build trust with your audience and are only in business for the quick buck, I would advise you to reevaluate your process and learn how trust creation works.

Oh and if you’re thinking that everything is sales and the guy on the end of line is just trying to make a buck or businesses wouldn’t exist if people didn’t cold call… let me tell you… I haven’t cold called someone in years, to me it’s not effective, nor is it a good use of my time. Ninety percent of my business comes from referrals, those that “trust” me and will go to the ends of the earth to share that trust with their friends. That’s how you create real sales.

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Rob is affectionately known as “Mr. Sarcasm” to his friends - to everyone else he’s a Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, a Foremost Expert On Specialized SEO, a Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Speaker and Authority Broadcaster who can help amplify YOU to your audience.

Rob has authored, coauthored or produced over 40 books covering social media, search engine optimization, podcasting, copywriting, personal injury law, weight loss, military law, life lessons, scams, sarcasm, customer service and more. His book clients include lawyers, speakers, doctors, real estate professionals and more.

Rob is also host of The E-Heroes Interview Series available on Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify & many other podcast channels. Rob works inside corporations across the globe, helping companies generate new revenue and capture online business.

Rob is also available to share talks and give interviews. To learn more and to get started visit or call Anspach Media at (412)267-7224 today.