Why Deadpool is succeeding as a rated R film when other superhero movies wouldn’t?
Superman, Batman and Spiderman would fail as a Rated R movie because that’s not what the characters are about. And although I personally don’t think comic super hero’s should be rated R…since I preach about being “real” and that realism leads to trust…it’s exactly why Deadpool is doing so well.
The character onscreen is the same character represented in the comics…raw, witty, offensive and real. That’s exactly why it works on the big screen.
Batman, Superman and Spiderman could never pull it off because we see them as Boy Scouts. And if those characters crossed the line and ventured into cursing we would see our super hero’s in a different light and be turned off.
This is why its very important to be real in the offline and online worlds…so people see the true you and your actions will lead to your fans trusting you.
So if you’re calm and cool in the offline world (the real world) don’t put on airs or try to be someone you’re not (false, misleading, acting in a way that doesn’t jive with your personality) when it comes to your online social profiles and comments.
I don’t want you to become Deadpool if that’s not what your friends, fans and followers are expecting. Because, well…there is only one Deadpool…and I don’t think you could pull off the look.
Just be you…the real you!
Rob is affectionately known as “Mr. Sarcasm” to his friends - to everyone else he’s a Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, a Foremost Expert On Specialized SEO, a Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Speaker and Authority Broadcaster who can help amplify YOU to your audience.
Rob has authored, coauthored or produced over 40 books covering social media, search engine optimization, podcasting, copywriting, personal injury law, weight loss, military law, life lessons, scams, sarcasm, customer service and more. His book clients include lawyers, speakers, doctors, real estate professionals and more.
Rob is also host of The E-Heroes Interview Series available on Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify & many other podcast channels. Rob works inside corporations across the globe, helping companies generate new revenue and capture online business.
Rob is also available to share talks and give interviews. To learn more and to get started visit www.AnspachMedia.com or call Anspach Media at (412)267-7224 today.
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