Run Google Run

Run Google Run

Hey Google, you’re a PITA (pain in the arse). We get a client’s ads approved to run. After a day Google stops the ads and flags the account. Then we spend a week going back and forth with their call centers to get account reestablished. Google green lights...
My Supplier Is George

My Supplier Is George

My mobile phone rings: (the Hiya app tells me it’s a telemarketer so I figured I would answer and have some fun.) Caller: Sir what is your account number? Me: Account for what? Caller: Your electric account Me: No idea, not something I know by heart Caller: I...
Profiting Off A Mistake

Profiting Off A Mistake

Fixing An Expensive Mistake, With A Simple Yet Highly Effective Solution. You design a flyer for your digital marketing business and once you receive them from the printers you notice one frickin’ misspelled word. It’s slowly killing you inside but you...